According to a recent Consumer Reports survey, the top supermarket chains aren’t necessarily the biggest ones. The Supermarket Buying Guide found that customers preferred retailers such as Wegmans, Trader Joe’s, Publix, and Costco from a list of 55 major grocery chains in the United States.
Among the lowest rated brands, Walmart Supercenter saw complaints ranging from lack of open check-out stations, employee attitudes, out-of-stock items, and confusing store layouts and pricing. About 80% of customers had at least one complaint about the mega-store. However, Walmart did receive high marks for overall low prices. Considering 43% of survey respondents have chosen to leave a grocery chain specifically because of price – this is a positive note for Walmart.
The report also included tips for consumers to help save money at the register. While many of the recommendations are well-known, it seems that few people actually take advantage of them. For example, coupon clipping has become a well-publicized activity, yet only 2.8 percent of coupons are redeemed according to NCH Marketing Services. Other tips included joining loyalty programs for special discounts, opting for private label goods (store brands), and looking at the unit price rather than the actual price listed on the package – which will help you get the most value.
The report also promoted online grocery shopping, which has been gaining attention as of late. Amazon Fresh, for example, has been rolled out along the West Coast as a new alternative for buying perishable food items. Other chains are jumping on the bandwagon as well, though many require a minimum purchase for online customers. It will be interesting to see where the online grocery shopping trend goes from here as more new technology and delivery options become available.
Which supermarket trends do you see taking off in the near future? Let us know by getting in touch via Twitter. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.